Tuesday, May 15, 2007

-.=" I felt funny..

Picked up my cousin sister in Kelana Jaya LRT station at 5 p.m. She is here for her training for 3 days. While on the way back to Mother's shop, aiks! I saw Chin Jou's Tia-tia and Terrence was the one who were driving and Lynne is at the back. I speed up a little bit, flashed on Tia-tia. Who knows -.=" Terrence seldom look at the mirror while driving. Even I honk, also he didn't know is me. So I speed up a little faster to go side by side of Tia-tia and honk. Finally, they saw me. Haha!

And I found something funny in the ladies's drop off point, check this out!

This is what scared Amenda Buttie and she screamed! Haha.. Funny!

P/s: Thank you Mr.Dickson for doing the exemption on the subject!


친. said...

O-o berries u r such a dangerous driver ler~

anyway so ngam one XD isnt it so like a destiny

Berries said...

Where got dangerous? I only speed up a bit neh!! I know I scared you before.. Haa..